Covid-19 Vaccine: What to Do Before and After Getting the Shot

According to available data, India has become the “fastest country in the world” to administer over 100 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines, even as the deadly second wave of infections rocks the nation. Covid vaccinations for the general public began in India on January 16th, 2021. It took the country only in 85 days to administer 100 million doses, while the US took 89 days and China 102 days. Currently the union government hopes to vaccinate 250 million people by July.

However, many people are still in line to get the first dose. And, with everyone over the age of 18 eligible for the vaccine from May 1 it is important to know what to do before and after getting vaccinated. Specialists have shared lists of things to avoid before getting the shots. These help increase the vaccine’s efficiency and highlights things that you should consider before getting the jab.

Here are some of the things you need to keep in mind about Covid vaccines-

Decide whether to take the jab first

Apparent the young and healthy face no danger in getting the jab. However, those above 45 years and with co-morbidities like hypertension, diabetes, renal illnesses, must consult their doctors in order to make a decision on getting vaccinated. According to the Health Ministry of India, those afflicted with haemophilia, must get the vaccine “under the supervision of their treating physician.” The Health Ministry has also recommended patients with history of anaphylaxis or allergic reactions to pharmaceutical products, food items, injectable therapies, to not take the Covid shot. Additionally, patients currently infected with Covid and getting plasma therapy or monoclonal antibodies treatment should not take the vaccine.

Those allergic to medications or drugs or suffering from cancer must consult your doctors before getting the shot. Diabetic patients and those with hypertension should keep their sugar and pressure levels in check before scheduling the vaccination date. You can also get an online doctor consultation or go for online chat with a doctor.

Also read: COVID-19 Vaccine: 14 Commonly Asked Questions

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Eat healthily and stay hydrated 

As Covid-19 cases rise exponentially in the country, many are unsure about their diets pre and post vaccination. To keep the vaccination experience smooth and safe, it is important to be careful about the diet. Researchers and healthcare experts believe that eating healthy before getting the Covid shot is of utmost importance. If you have decided to take the shot following, these simple steps will increase the efficacy of the vaccination. 

Hydration is critical, particularly while getting Covid-19 vaccination. Drinking water all through the day will re-energize your body which will reduce risks of severe side effects. Keep in mind fever, fatigue, body ache, pain, swelling, chills and headache, are common side effects after the vaccination. They indicate that the vaccine is working and are completely normal, hence do not panic. 

Ample amount of water before the vaccine will ensure that you think clearly and do not experience severe mood change, both of which are common in case of dehydration. However, by all means avoid alcohol intake as it will weaken your immunity and also lead to dehydration, which in turn will aggravate the side effects. 

The British Journal of Nutrition, says healthy eating habits ensure a healthy body during the pandemic. Eating healthy and nutritious food will also help you deal with dizziness or lightheaded-ness post-vaccination. Hence while taking the Covid-19 vaccine, make sure to eat healthy, whole-grain, fibre-rich food. Strictly avoid processed food with saturated fat and high levels of calories. Medical practitioners also agree that fibrous foods are vital for a relaxed body and strong immunity. The vaccination process will go well for you if you are well-rested and active. Eating wholesome foods will help you achieve that. Remember, saturated fats and sugary foodstuff raises your stress levels and leads to insomnia. That said, do take the guidance of your physician regarding your routine medicines.

Sleep is important

The Covid vaccine like any other vaccine will take time to build immunity against the coronavirus. However, the vaccine alone will not ensure protection against the virus. In order to supplement the vaccine’s efficacy you will have to stay healthy and fit. To achieve this, make sure that you sleep well. Lack of sleep will tamper with your immune processes, which are highly essential for producing antibodies. 

Finally, do remember that even after taking the vaccine shot you will need to wear masks whenever you are going out or meeting people at home. You should also continue maintaining social distancing and healthy lifestyle habits. Wash your hands frequently and sanitise touched surfaces repeatedly.

Also read: Symptoms Of Covid – Do I Have Covid?

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