Puffy Eyes? Swollen Eyes? Here Are Some Simple Solutions

Written by Dr. Shehla Agarwal (MBBS MAMC New Delhi, MD (Dermatology) MAMC New Delhi), one of the best dermatologists in Delhi NCR.

Let’s get one thing straight – bags belong on your arms, not on your eyes. If you have ever had puffy eyes, struggled with makeup to conceal them, or wondered how to look awake, you are not alone. Puffy eyes are a very common problem. (Use makeup to look awake when you are super sleepy) They can be due to the seasonal allergy ABCD (Air Borne Contact Dermatitis) common in months of April and October; stress; lack of sleep; poor diet; or an eye condition such as blepharitis, which is inflammation of the eyelids and base of the eyelashes. They may also be a result of consuming large amounts of alcohol and sodium before bed as this may lead to water retention. Whatever the cause, there are all sorts of puffy eyes solutions – from simple tricks to elaborate methods.

1. For quick results, you can use a cold compress.

Just take a handkerchief and put some crushed ice in it. Place it over your eyes using gentle pressure and you will see a difference after a few minutes. You can also follow it up with or use hydrocortisone cream, which reduces swelling. (Here are some tips to brighten up tired eyes)

2. You can wash your face with ice cold water. 

Also, limit salt intake and drink plenty of water to clean out your system (at least 10-12 glasses). All this will help deal with water retention.

3. They can happen due to allergies.

If swollen eyes are due to allergies, discontinue using the item that caused the allergic reaction. (Follow these 10 rules for glowing skin)

4. Throw away old eye makeup! 

You may not realize it, but they can lead to red eyes and puffy eyes. (When should you throw away your makeup? Read here)

5. Try a soothing eye cream infused with aloe and vitamins. 

Massage it with your fingers for two minutes, making strokes from inner eye corner to outside areas. (Have you ever washed your face with soda? It’s trending as the new face wash!)

6. Cucumber juice applied for half an hour also reduces swelling.

It is the coldness of the cucumber that does the trick. Coldness is known to constrict blood vessels, which further reduces the flow of fluid into soft tissues. A clean tissue or cloth dipped in cold water can also reduce puffiness. The same is true for cold tea bags.

7. Do you have hypothyroidism?

Those who suffer from diseases such as hypothyroidism may benefit from a daily dose of levothyroxine (synthetic thyroid hormone). (Here are 7 surefire cures for under eye dark circles)

8. Keeping your head elevated will also reduce the swelling.

Also, avoid rubbing your eyes, which will only cause the swelling to worsen.

Many people use haemorrhoid creams to deal with puffy eyes. It contains ingredients that constrict the blood vessels, which can reduce swelling and puffiness temporarily. But it may do more harm than good, especially when used on the sensitive skin around the eyes or eyelids. Some haemorrhoid creams contain steroids, which can cause or worsen cataracts and glaucoma if used near the eyes. (Here’s how to make your own DIY wipes and sprays) The eyes may also become irritated after using such creams. So do not use them for puffiness. For persistent eye swelling, seek help from a medical professional. Typically, treating the underlying condition will reduce swelling.

About the Author

Dr. Shehla Agarwal is a graduate and post-grad from Maulana Azad Medical College. She is one of the best dermatologists in Delhi NCRShe has been practicing for over 22 years at her own clinic and is also associated with Apollo Hospital. Dr. Shehla conducts some workshops for public education on skincare, Antiageing and other skin and hair related problems all over the country and abroad. 

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