How to successfully treat COVID-19 and maintain home isolation

With the third wave of COVID-19, India is again grappling with a humanitarian crisis. Infection rates are surging with each passing day and hospitals are struggling with infrastructure. During this overwhelming crisis, it is important to have access to right and verified information. In this blog we will share How to successfully treat COVID-19 at home and the health protocols to maintain when in home isolation with COVID-19.

Good news is most COVID-19 infected persons are now having mild symptoms and are getting better within a week. Even if you are living alone, it is absolutely possible to look after yourself at home while you recover. However, while recovering, your friends, family members or neighbours should check up on you. A regular call or talk on phone or through video chat is a great way to check how you’re doing.

Quarantine and isolation are best safety measures for treating COVID-19

Many get scared at the idea of being quarantined or isolated after being detected with the virus infection. However, in reality it is just an efficient method for protection. By separating and restricting the movement of infected people it helps in infecting those staying in close contact. Here close contact means within six feet from an infected person for a prolonged time and includes co-living people, visitors, or those in a closed space along with the infected person. According to medical practitioners if you are coughed upon by an infected person you qualify as a close contact.

Quarantine and isolation methods have been historically used by Governments all over the world to check the spread of transmissible diseases which includes outbreaks, epidemics or pandemics. Remember! If you are asked to be at home it is highly imperative that you strictly follow the advice.

Self isolation and quarantine though sound similar are actually different in their purpose. Isolation applies to the ones infected or those with confirmed cases of COVID-19. Quarantine time period is till the incubation period of the virus, which has now been reduced to 7 days from 14 days. In case of home isolation it continues till the infected person is free of symptoms and tests negative.

Medication for COVID-19 patients recovering at home

Doctors across the world recommend symptomatic treatment of COVID-19 with drugs like Paracetamol, and anti allergic, and therapies like steam and gargles. These are good enough to treat those with minimum risk. Take paracetamol or ibuprofen if you have fever above 100 degrees. In order to treat the cough, avoid lying on your back. It is better to lie on your side or you can also sit upright. Additionally, having a teaspoon of honey can help ease your cough. However, if these do not help to ease the cough, talk to your doctor for medical advice on cough treatments. Do not go to a pharmacy, try calling or contacting the pharmacy online instead. It is pertinent to note that there are many new and emerging treatments for COVID-19 now. The antibody and antiviral treatments are showing great results for those who have COVID-19 and are at highest risk of a severe infection.

Also read: 5 Effective Ways to Fight COVID-19 Transmission at Home

What should you do when in home isolation?

  1. Make sure you do not leave home unless absolutely necessary. Most people with COVID-19 have mild illness and recover at home without medical care. Do not participate in functions, school, are other public places.
  2. If you are living with other family members wear a mask when they are near. Kids below five years of age or those with trouble breathing should not wear masks.
  3. Do not let others use your plates, glasses, cups, spoons, towels, bed sheet and pillows. If other family members need to use these items, they must washed and sanitise them before doing so. It is advisable to wash the items with hot soap-water.
  4. If there is a room in your house which has an attached bath, stay in that room during the isolation period. Do not let others members use it.
  5. Hygiene is absolutely essential. Wash hands thoroughly and frequently. While coughing or sneezing use your elbow or a napkin. Best is to use a tissue and throw it immediately in a covered dustbin.
  6. You might feel restless and anxious during your isolation period. But being aware of the situation will be of great help to deal with your anxiety and stress. Whenever you feel it is getting unbearable, consult a psychiatrist. You can also go for psychiatrist online consultation nowadays. If you are looking for online psychiatrist consultation you can book a session with one of the highly experienced psychiatrists on DocGenie
  7. You will need to follow the instructions laid down by the administration and authorities. This will prevent and slow down the spread of the virus.
  8. The room you are staying in during isolation must have good ventilation; keep the window open as much possible.Keep in touch with your doctor, preferably a general practitioner. Also if you have trouble in breathing, or have any other emergency warning signs, call for medical help immediately. If you are looking for consulting a general physician online, you can book an appointment with one of the highly experienced and renowned Primary Care Physicians or GPs on DocGenie.
  9. Take ample rest. Sleep well and keep yourself hydrated by drinking enough water and other fluids. Right from the start consultant a physician or you can get online doctor consultation. Take the medicines, prescribed by your doctor. It will help you feel better.
  10. No visitors, children or adults, should come into your home while you are in isolation with COVID-19 infection.

Also read: Health Protocols to Maintain when in Home Quarantine with Covid-19

Get advice from a GP in the following situations:

  • Getting more and more unwell
  • Having breathing problems while standing up or moving around
  • Feeling very weak, and having body aches
  • Lack of appetite
  • Shaking or shivering

Remember if you still feel unwell after four weeks, this could be a sign of long covid. Do see a doctor and get medical advice to treat this condition.

DocGenie is an online telemedicine platform that provides you with quality healthcare from the comfort of your own space. On DocGenie, you can book an online consultation with highly qualified doctors as well as book lab tests for home collection.